Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Interrupters

When you see two people in the club standing closely, face-to-face, bodies turned away from the dance floor (far, far from the dance floor actually) what does that tell you?

Body language experts may determine that they don't want to dance at that moment. Maybe because they are having an engaging conversation. Well, I'm no body language expert, but that would be my guess. Yet, what boggles my mind is how many people misread this to be the equivalent of waving a giant flag that says, "I'm begging you! Please rip me away from this person I'm talking to."

Doug Butabi: So... you want to dance?
Girl: We're not in the club yet.
Take the other night. Me and a couple of friends were interrupted several times by guys who "misread" our body language...yeah, as if sitting at a table in the corner with our backs to the dance floor is playing hard-to-get or something.

But men are not the only ones who do this. Women do it, too. I've even witnessed a women pounce on a guy who was still at coat check.

So what could this mean? Are there really not enough people coming out to dance that we have to grab at anyone in the room? Or maybe these interrupters just really, really want to dance.

I can understand their plight. Some nights my mantra is "no talk, must dance" too. But to the extreme interrupters -- the people who come back again and again within a five minute time frame -- when we say "not at this time, I'm talking to my friend" -- we aren't kidding. Watch the body language. It'll save you a few trips :)


  1. So agree...people take note please!

  2. Ha.. ha.. didnt' this happen to us when we were talking that night about how much i loved your blogposts ?! So true.. !

  3. However ladies, if you say no to that guy, then say yes to the next guy in the same song 5 seconds later, going across the room to dance doesn't really hide the fact that you said no. Guys aren't blind. Even when they are dancing they are still paying attention to the room. The lady comes off as a grinch.


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