Monday, June 25, 2012

Play Me That Sweet Music

We all know DJs can make or break our night of dancing. We social dancers can definitely tell the difference between someone who just throws on a random playlist, to the DJ that transforms a room of people into a sweaty hot mess of salsa happiness.

I think it's a must for salsa DJs to have extensive knowledge of the music and artists. Part of the job is to educate the dancers -- I mean, if it weren't for the salsa DJs, I'd still be dancing to Lou Bega's Mambo No. 5!
Technical ability to optimize the sound system is a great addition to the skill set of a good DJ, but along with a good ear, the kick-ass DJ must use his/her eyes to see what is happening on the dance floor. The best-of-the-best play to the crowd's vibe, while gently guiding the dancers into new directions of energy through song selection.
OK, so we praise the DJ...but why do we get so excited (or not excited, depending on our tastes) when we hear a certain DJ is spinning, but lack the same enthusiasm when a live band is playing?
When it's an accomplished group of musicians (world famous or local pride) I really appreciate the experience. One of my most memorable salsa moments was when I was in Santiago de Cuba. That’s when my dancing transformed from a hobby into a passion…ok fine, it might have been a mixture of the mojitos and the hot man I was with, but seriously, dancing to live music is a real treat.
Just listen to the delivery of each instrument, and then listen to how each musician blends with the other, using their keen ears for even the tiniest variation of pitch, volume and beat....relish in the phrasing of each instrument...bathe in the art.

I know what some of you are thinking right now..."Live bands play songs that are too long" ...and all I have to say to that is, shut up and do some more cardio. Live music is the best! :)


  1. My answer to that last quote: Start dancing in 3-4 minutes into the song; that's what i do :P

  2. Enjoying these Linda. Keep em coming!


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