Friday, September 13, 2013

The 5-second Rule

The moment when you are about to eat something really, really tasty – perhaps one of your favorite foods – but you accidentally drop it on the floor…and if nobody is watching, you pick it up, dust it off and eat it anyway because it’s just too good to go to waste…how many of you have done this? Yup, I’m sure we all know about this thing called the 5-second rule.

The thing about the 5-second rule and why we can often look past the whole eww-that's-gross thing is because we know that if we eat it, it won’t hurt us. We can handle it without getting too creeped out because we know that in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal. And the payout (the tasty treat) is often worth it.

So, it makes me wonder why we don’t extend a similar principle to the acquaintances we know in the salsa scene.

Let me explain…

You may have, once upon a time, considered these acquaintances to be closer friends – you took the same classes, frequented the same salsa nights, travelled to congresses together, shared a few celebratory drinks and lots of great conversations – you get the picture. My point is, you never had a falling out with this person, you just…lost touch. Perhaps you stopped taking class, or the other got busy with work and didn’t go out to the club that often. Whatever the circumstances, you just saw them less. No fights, just…less.

You see, 5 seems to be a magic number. Once you pass 5 weeks of not seeing someone on the regular, I’ve observed how that much more awkward people seem to get. But I’m here to tell you, it’s OK to say hi. It’s OK to mingle and exchange pleasantries. It’s totally OK! It won't hurt. You can handle it. It's not a big deal. It's soooo OK! What’s not OK is walking past them without so much as even a nod or smile of acknowledgement. Hey, if you bachata or kizomba, we know you are not shy!

So, respect your fellow dancers in the community. Those past moments you shared are not a waste …whether it’s been 5 seconds, 5 weeks, or 5 months, a friendly attitude goes a long way. Positive energy is infectious and I can guarantee that the payout will be worth it.

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